A thermostat shows a Connected Savings event notification on its screen.

Earn $50 with Energy Hero Rewards

Helping you to make a positive impact on your world — to help protect your family, friends, and community from power outages, and contribute to a smarter energy journey along the way.

Enroll Now

By clicking Enroll Now, you agree to the Energy Hero Rewards Program  program terms and conditions, as well as the terms of our partners. Offer applies to SDG&E and PG&E customers. When you click Enroll Now, you'll be prompted to enter your thermostat app username and password.

Program Requirements

  • Have central air conditioning or a heat pump.
  • Be responsible for the electric bill as an account owner.
  • Have a qualifying smart thermostat model with a Wi-Fi connection.
  • By participating in this program, you are signifying your agreement to the Energy Hero Rewards program.


Amazon Smart Thermostat

Enroll Now

By clicking Enroll Now, you agree to the Energy Hero Rewards program terms and conditions, as well as the terms of our partners. Offer applies to SDG&E and PG&E customers.
When you click Enroll Now, you'll be prompted to enter your thermostat app username and password. Completing the enrollment process takes less than 10 minutes.

Customer FAQS