With your approval, your smart thermostat setting will be slightly altered to reduce energy use for a short time based on grid needs — without compromising your comfort. This lowered use can relieve stress on the local electrical grid while helping to keep rates lower.
By clicking Enroll Now, you are agreeing to the Connected Savings program service terms and conditions as well as the terms and conditions of our partner Voltus. Offer only applies to PSEG Long Island customers.

You’ll always be notified of an energy event when it happens, and we’ll make sure your home stays comfortable throughout. And with the power to opt out and change the temperature at any time, you’ll stay comfortably in control.
An energy event can happen at any time and will last anywhere from 10 minutes to 4 hours. In the very unlikely case of a major grid emergency, an event could be called that lasts up to half of a day. In all scenarios, you have the final control on your thermostat and can opt out of an event if you do not want to participate.
Program Requirements
- Have central air conditioning or a heat pump.
- Be a PSEG Long Island residential electric customer (be sure to have your utility account login details ready when enrolling so you can be verified).
- Have a qualifying smart thermostat model with a Wi-Fi connection.
- *Must participate in at least 60% of the events in order to receive the $35 participation incentive. Resideo reserves the right to remove a customer from the program for not meeting this threshold.
Honeywell Home Wi-Fi Focus, Wi-Fi Vision, Wi-Fi 9000, Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat, Wi-Fi 7-Day Programmable thermostat, T5, T6, Round Smart, T9, T10
By clicking Sign Up, you are agreeing to the Connected Savings® program terms and conditions as well as the terms and conditions of our partner. Offer applies to PSEG Long Island customers.
You will see a message displayed on your thermostat display as well as in your thermostat's app.
Yes – just change your thermostat setting on your device or in the app and your normal schedule will commence. To be removed from the Connected Savings® program entirely, send an opt-out email request to energysupport@resideo.com. This process may take up to 2 business days.
Allowing Resideo to adjust your energy consumption just a little means more supply available for those who need it without requiring supply from other places.
Nothing changes on your billing or details with your utility. As part of the enrollment process, you will be asked to authorize Resideo’s agent to obtain energy usage data associated with your utility account on a secure and confidential basis, and only for the purpose of enrollment and participation. If you have questions about how the program accesses your data, please send an email to energysupport@resideo.com.
During times when electricity demand is unusually high, like on a very hot summer afternoon, your grid operator may make a call to conserve energy. We'll make small adjustments to your thermostat to help lower demand across the electric grid. When there is no longer an extreme need, your thermostat will return to its previous temperature setting.
A serious grid emergency can lead to a blackout that leaves your home with no power. It’s not just the loss of lights, air conditioning and other things you depend on. A blackout can also have a heavy economic toll on local businesses. If we all work together, we can help prevent this from happening. The Connected Savings® program helps us use the grid infrastructure more efficiently.
The Connected Savings® program optimizes the thermostat settings to keep customers as comfortable as possible when grid emergencies occur. When there is enough lead time, the Connected Savings® program precools or preheats properties in advance of the event periods and rotates cooling/heating across all homes enrolled in the program to balance the amount of energy used across the community while keeping customers comfortable.
You will receive an e-gift card to the email address you enrolled with after enrollment. Only one incentive is paid for each home enrolled.
You may enroll as many qualified Wi-Fi enabled thermostats as are installed in your home. The incentive is paid per-home, but the more thermostats you can enroll, the larger contribution you can make to the grid.
Yes, we rely on the ability to communicate with your thermostat to successfully run the program. While we understand that there may be temporary Wi-Fi outages, connectivity is a program requirement. Reward may not be issued if connectivity is not available.